first majestic silver

Mike Sheller

Mike Sheller Articles

Well it's 1998, a New Year, and doubtless many Goldbugs are looking forward to the end of Civilization itself, while many stockmarketeers anticipate an imminent Dow 20,000. We suspect both camps may be somewhat disappointed, but the truth...
It can't be denied we were quite gratified to see Jupiter's predicted effect upon silver for mid-December come to pass. The big sextile to NYSE Moon at 19 Aries from 19 Aquarius was a textbook short-term astrological play. While this may...
  In this posting, we thought we'd share one of our pet trading ploys. While not exactly astrological, this tactic, like most price chart pattern activity, does indeed fit under the heading "Market Metaphysics."
Is the 1985 gold chart trying to tell us something? Did you ever hear the one about the technical analyst who didn't want to know anything about the company whose price chart he was diagnosing? As an astrologer, we admit to often going a...
"Strange things are done 'neath the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold..."
Astrologers, perhaps even more so than other kinds of analysts, believe in cycles. Some of these cycles, like those of the Moon and the fast moving inner planets, relate to daily, weekly, and monthly turns of events. The slower moving...
One of our features at The Astrological Investor is our periodic glance at National Horoscopes, as well as the birth charts of important personages and institutions. We look for planetary aspects (relationships) coming up that could alert...
GOLD STANDARD INC. (GSTD - Nasdaq Small Cap) Recent Price: 15/16 Incorporated: November 28, 1972 Sometimes, as a market astrologer, we feel like Dr. Frankenstein in that scene from the original movie where his brother-in-law, who thinks...

The world’s largest gold nugget is 61 lbs, 11 oz and is on display in Las Vegas.

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