Quiescent Federal Reserve gradualism . .
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
July 22, 1999
July 21, 1999
Wow, it was another wild and difficult week for the bear camp. The Dow was largely unchanged, gaining 15 points, while the S&P 500 rose about 1%.
July 19, 1999
The following excerpted material is important for understanding the way many view U.S. stocks today:
Ian Gordon is a broker with a major Canadian brokerage firm. Admittedly, he is not a household name - at least not yet. That might change if he is reading the current stock market cycle properly. Ian is a student of the Kondratieff Cycle.
July 16, 1999
Gold stocks: the next Internet boom!
July 15, 1999
Taking a breather . . . in the midst of a nominal Expiration week is fairly unusual; but since this was mostly a function of the Dow Industrials alone, more so than the rest of the market, it's still suspect on a daily basis.
Several years ago in an essay on gold ("The Golden Sextant"), I pointed out that gold is arbitraged like currencies, which is to say on the basis of interest rate differentials.
July 14, 1999
IT HAS been almost a year to the day since the stock market went into a brief but steep decline, falling 20 percent in just six weeks and giving Wall Street its first whiff of real fear since the October 1987 crash.
July 12, 1999
The exact wording of a key portion of the Fed's official statement following its June 30 Federal Open Market Committee meeting read: "...the FOMC has chosen to adopt a directive that includes no predilection about near term policy action." That was all the U.S.
July 10, 1999
In its aspiration for a new and perfect world, the New Age Movement believes that there will have to be a "paradigm shift", which will change the conventional way of thinking.
July 8, 1999
Optimism ahead of Yahoo! . . . probably enhanced the late Wednesday market tone, though it's not something that impacted the futures, given the low premium at day's end.
Money is generally thought of, if at all, in practical terms: how to get it, what to do with it. Monetary Realists believe that the most important thing to know about money, however, is its nature, because from this nature all else flows.
The stock bubble of 1999 constitutes perhaps the most dangerous, speculative investment climate ever. Exactly three score and ten years after 1929, the world seems poised on the verge of an equally ruinous stock market collapse.
July 5, 1999
WANTED: Greenspan (FRB), Camdessus (IMF) and Eddie George (BOE) for premeditated murder of American Farming
July 1, 1999
Good evening:
June 30, 1999
Reliability studies conducted by the Bullish Review across 36 futures markets from 1983 to 1989 show that extremely long or short positions by hedgers CORRECTLY FORECASTED significant market moves 67% of the time.
June 29, 1999
In this week's commentary we will address a topic that has been foremost in our minds for the past several days and has even been suggested by other stock market commentators of late.
I have been attempting to consolidate my notes that I have taken from various articles and comments posted by participants of this Forum in regards to The Dollar (should read as The FED), The Euro and Gold.
June 28, 1999
Aggregate "blue chip" stock prices remain significantly above the long term average. The current trailing PE for the S&P500 is 35 times earnings.
June 24, 1999
Seesaw behavior . . . characterized Wednesday's alternating action, with the S&P low exactly that we looked for on the morning 900.933.GENE hotline call.
June 21, 1999
After experiencing a long losing streak throughout the last part of May and most of June the broad U.S. stock market staged an impressive rally on June 16 in a much-needed show of strength.
Sage Crystl: Sage is proud to introduce Mr. David Tice, Portfolio Manager for the Prudent Bear Fund. Thanks for joining us today David.
June 18, 1999
Megalomania or common sense? Those are factors to consider when evaluating Thursday's testimony by Chairman Greenspan; especially the part that focused on the ability of modern day monetary authorities to intervene in ways that presumably didn'
GENERAL COMMENTS: Monday's modest 70-point rally in the Dow was enough to tweak a bear's ugliest suspicions about the stock market's underlying health.
June 17, 1999
The broad U.S. stock market, while breaking its recent downtrend this week, continues to show evidence of topping. Our reading of the tape shows that distribution has been underway at least since April and that a much larger correction looms ahead.
A recent analysis on the status of Wall Street concluded on the basis of volume behaviour that there is a good probability that the Dow Jones has already peaked.
June 14, 1999
An Orchestration by the
Four Horsemen of the Gold Apocalypse…
G7 Gold Sales
June 10, 1999
Which Rx for this market tumble did you prefer? Was it the multi-month delayed downgrade of the PC outlook from a major firm on the Street (after we had warned the sector was topping in the first part of this year); th
June 9, 1999
GENERAL COMMENTS: Although Black Box Forecasts has perhaps been too eager in the past to sound taps for this 17-year bull market, the newsletter has scored nothing but bullseyes in predicting what the Fed would do next. Are they going to raise rates?