first majestic silver

Mark J Lundeen

Mark J Lundeen Articles

If you’re willing to ignore the behind the scenes shenanigans in the stock market; central-bank market stabilizations, management driving their companies deep into debt to fund share repurchase programs, and dubious earnings numbers, then...
When one looks at the daily or weekly NYSE or NASDAQ breadth statistics on the financial pages, publishers always list the number of 52-Week Highs and Lows made during the day or week, and it’s good data. Major indexes also make 52Wk...
As we move deeper into 2015, we find our economy and financial systems still in quite a mess. We’re approaching the end of a dark road the “policy makers” have been leading us down for nearly a hundred years. How the Federal Reserve...
Uncle Sam likes spending money; whether from taxes or sales of Treasury debt, it’s all the same to him. By December of 1952 the US Treasury had accumulated $262 billion dollars in debt, a shocking sum at the time. Now, seven decades...
Strange things have been happening in NYSE market breadth, [also known as the Advance – Decline Line (A-D Line or A-D Ratio)] since April 1998. During the six year period from April 1998 through January 2003 (green circle below) the NYSE...
Employment is an important topic for Washington and Wall Street. Citizens who are fully employed are more likely to vote for the political party currently in power and continue making payments on their monthly mortgages. But when examining...
Electrical Power Demand (EP) is my favorite economic series. EP is measured in kilowatts; a unit of power designed by engineers and not subject to hedonic adjustments by government funded statisticians. If the economy is growing, the...
Barron’s Best & Intermediate Grade Bond Yields provides us with an excellent history of investment grade bond yields from December 1938 when Barron’s first computed its Confidence Index (CI). I reconstructed these two bond series...
There is only one reason to make an investment: expectations that one will come out of it with more money than one came in. So have gold and silver rewarded investors since 1969, the year when gold first appeared on investors’ radar after...
Many interesting things are happening in the markets as we move into 2015. On Thursday this week the ECB announced an eighteen month, 1.1 trillion euro QE program. I had a good chuckle over this as I remembered how Europe’s central...

Goldschläger and Goldwasser are liqueurs containing pure gold flakes.

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