While You Wait For the Bottom…The Vaults Are Being Emptied!

July 22, 2013

My chart this week shows simply nothing!   There is no way to determine what prices are going to do next until gold breaks through $1450 or falls below $1200.  Gold Bugs are waiting for the next drop in price to get rid of their dough!  The other 98% are holding fast to their monopoly money with full faith and trust in the bankster's and their government.  They don't understand that gold and silver is money and paper will be but toilet paper tomorrow.  Gold is the absolute best and only bet against the coming currency collapse but no one is going to say that.  Most have never been through a currency collapse, they don't know what to do and they don't want to be ridiculed!   There are, however, those that do know the end game and how to play their hand!

Gold and silver prices over the past few months have dropped considerably which has led to a great deal of frustration for many and capitulation for others.  The continuation of "Q-Infinity and Beyond" , bail ins from Cyprus, international riots and unrest, a worsening recession, interest rate increases, a strengthening dollar and demands for gold internationally all should have moved prices higher but they did not. 

Why aren't gold prices moving higher?
Why is the COMEX and the LBMA being emptied?
Why is the price of physical gold ETF's dropping?

Banks who have leased their gold must recapitalize themselves and why not drive the price down, force the weak to sell and buy it up again at a bargain.  Banks must put up or shut up since the Germans demanded their gold.  Easterners and those who know the end game want the real deal, no paper, no contracts, no mining stocks or certificates, the banks must produce the gold they have leased or shut their doors. The vaults are being emptied at an alarming rate.

The Fed will be forced to pull the plug on their game when they have all the gold.  This will simply wipeout all their debt.  All electronic virtual computer assets, 401k’s, IRA’s, checking accounts, saving accounts and all paper investments will get a haircut of perhaps 50% and account holders will possibly receive the new hundred dollar bills when this happens.  The U.S. is the biggest debtor nation in the world and cannot pay the debt unless they collapse the system while erasing all their debt and then the banks will win. 

The "Gold Rush" is on and those who wait just might miss the boat.  The chart appears to predict that another low will be posted, but it may take months or quite possibly years.  When the COMEX and the London Bullion Market Association closes everyone will know that they were snookered.  There just isn't enough real gold to cover the paper that they have leased and sold.  Fractional reserve banking allows gold, unlike a leased car, to be leased and then sold over and over again by entity that joins with it.  It’s just another Ponzi scheme to rip off the unknowing investor who has little understanding of the paper assets he owns.  Good riddance when the fractional reserve banking system fails!

The beat down of paper gold worked and propelled the weak to sell.  When investors turned into sellers the availability of gold in the lending market increased which started to squeeze and raise gold leasing rates.  Those scared gold owners whom liquidated added to the 25% drop in gold prices.

The underlying price structure of the physical gold market has changed over the past few months and has yet to reveal itself.  The first time we get a "force majeure crisis" event that makes it necessary for people who don't have gold to buy, and people who do own it to have more, we will see how things have changed.

When the need to own gold jumps you will have wished you hadn't waited.   Mr. Bernanke, our government and the powered elites may appear to be void of common sense or just maybe they know something the rest of us don't and have been working their plan, the end game!  When they are done and the last window closes there simply won't be enough gold to go around!



Roxanne Lewis is a precious metals broker from western Colorado dedicated to educating others to protect themselves and their family’s assets.  International trades are welcomed and she insures duty free delivery.   Also easy conversion of IRA’s and 401K’s to Precious Metal IRA utilizing any metals shown on website.  She writes weekly articles @ www.whynotgold.com under her weekly BLOG and ARCHIVED articles of the past.  VISIT her website that features VISIBLE, CONSTANTLY changing pricing every 15 sec. from the COMEX.  Find out why customers say, “I’m glad to have found you.  You have the lowest prices!”  She may be reached @ [email protected]

Roxy Lewis writes articles at www.whynotgold.com  a Better Business A+ rated reputable brokerage offering silver and gold at transparent pricing at just 1% or less commission. I hold a B.S. Degree from Iowa State University and 35 years’ experience in human resources, management, investments, personal property development and entrepreneurial business development. I write to awaken and educate the populace to become self-sufficient and abandon and remove themselves from a failing system in order to defend and preserve their life’s assets.

I write articles @ www.whynotgold.com  under ROXY’S COLUMN and ARCHIVED articles of the past. VISIT my site also at www.gold-eagle.com  and may be reached at @ 1-888-Y Not GOLD or [email protected] . See all old archived articles under TOP ANALYSTS tab / Roxy Lewis!

The volume of all the gold ever mined can occupy a cube 63 feet on each side.
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