Brian Bloom

Brian Bloom Articles

In an environment of low interest rates (low yields on cash savings), a Primary Bear Market, and higher than reported rate of price inflation, the single most important issue being faced by ageing Baby Boomers today is "cash flow". When...
Some may regard this article as a bit "off-the-wall", but I have decided to write it anyway. In the past couple of weeks, three apparently random occurrences have converged at a single point, and this stretches the "coincidence" argument a...
This article has been written specifically for those people who are grappling with the conundrum regarding whether we are facing an era of inflation, deflation or stagflation. The short answer is "all of the above, but in sequence". First...
If one monitors the relationship between investments that have a high "beta" (volatility relative to the overall market) and those that have a low beta one would anticipate the high beta investments to point the way to the market's Primary...
Overall Conclusion Neither "Opportunists" nor "Serious Investors" have been driving commodity prices in general, or the gold price in particular. What has ultimately been driving the upward momentum of the gold price is the ocean of fiat...
In the late 1960s my friend Eddie Van Andel convinced me that the stock market was a good place to learn about "high finance", and he recruited me to a business called Electronic Stock Evaluators (ESE), for which he worked at the time. ESE...
What I see in the following chart is a double top and falling tops and bottoms The Point & Figure Chart (Log scale) is resting on a rising trendline which implies that the gold price MUST break up from here or it will deteriorate...
Normally, the most sensible thing one can do when one makes a wrong call is to admit it and move on. To err is human. To err twice is stupid. Last week, my interpretation of the Relative Strength Charts led me to the conclusion that the...
This article is highly technical in nature and may be difficult for some readers to follow. For this reason, a summary of the article and its conclusions are set out by way of introduction:
Summary and Conclusions The evidence is mounting that the US Federal Reserve Board, and the Establishment which it represents, is losing control. The probabilities are rising that "The Markets" will soon (within weeks/months) become...

According to the Talmud you should keep one-third of your assets each in land, business interests, and gold.

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