first majestic silver

Brian Bloom

Brian Bloom Articles

In the past week, the silver price rose, and the "traders" once again attempted to cash in, but Open Interest rose only modestly, as traders demonstrated a bit more tentativeness than they have historically demonstrated.
There have been two very interesting developments in the past week: 1. Silver’s Daily Open Interest on Comex dropped to almost zero (See red line at bottom of chart) TFC Commodity Charts Silver, 5000 oz (SI, COMEX)
An enormous amount of mind-space has been given to arguing the pros and cons of whether we are in an upward reaction within a Primary Bear Market or whether we are entering a Primary Bull Market, but very few commentators appear to...
The following is a summary of what I believe to be the "macro" economic status quo:
A comparison of the Long Term Silver and Gold markets yields some interesting observations. Both charts are up to date to end April 2003.
Sections 8 and 10 of Article I of the Constitution of the United States of America read: "Congress shall have the power - To borrow money … to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights...
Many commentators have observed that the consequence of the activities of the Fed have been inflation and currency debasement. I personally can remember as a kid when my dad bought himself a pair of worsted wool long pants for around $3....
Diamond patterns are often seen as reversal points on the charts, but sometimes they manifest as consolidations within a major trend. The following weekly chart shows what appears to be a diamond as a consolidation pattern - ie having...
Trying to fathom the market is much like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. If used with circumspection, charting can be a great help, but the really important pieces are the "subtleties" and "nuances" that need to be teased out from the...
A "frame of reference" is essentially a prejudicial mind set which enables one to put data into perspective. For example, a man who is six foot in height is only considered tall because of the frame of reference that the "average" man's...

A gold nugget can be worth three to four times the value of the gold it contains because they are so rare.

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