Brian Bloom

Brian Bloom Articles

All conspiracy theories aside, here are some interesting technical facts which flow from the following three monthly charts: The $CRB (Commodities Index) has a descending trendline dating back to 1980, which HAS NOT YET BEEN PENETRATED ON...
In my most recent article I discussed the theory behind valuing a mine. This article attempts to apply that theory to derive a valuation for Silver Standard Resources Inc. (SSRI) Disclosure and Disclaimer
This article attempts to explain the difference in valuation methodologies when applied to industrial companies as opposed to mining companies: How does one "value" an industrial company? How does one value a gold mine? The...
The following two Point and Figure Charts demonstrate just how difficult it is to make a definitive call in today's market. (Charts courtesy
In short, the economy seems unlikely to grow strongly from this point. OK, but there is still the issue of P/E ratios hovering around 30X. What will happen if investors start to focus on the high probability that the growth that has been...
Did the gold charts betray us? The short term trend was supposed to be up. All the technical signals were bullish. What happened? A trend remains intact until it's broken. Trite, but true. Unfortunately, this statement tells us zip about...
Something very strange is happening in the Bond markets. Last night this interfered with my sleep cycle and, in turn, it made me sufficiently irritable to sit down and focus with a bit more intensity than normal. In short, my bleary eyed...
In this article, an attempt is made to point the way to making some "sensible" investment profits, with as low a risk as possible. Unfortunately, it is necessary to be a bit theoretical up front so as to get everyone on the same page.
As a rule of thumb, the higher up in an organization structure one rises, the more basic one needs to get in one's thinking in order to ensure that dumb decisions are not taken as a result of misplaced enthusiasm of more knowledgeable but...
A fatal flaw in "specialist education" is that it provides one with canned answers in search of recognisable questions. Economists thus tend to think in economic terms, Accountants in accounting terms, and so on. To solve problems of great...

Nevada accounts for 75% of U.S. gold production.

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