Brian Bloom

Brian Bloom Articles

Summary and Conclusion The technical evidence suggests that today's spike (ie June 1st) in the gold price was more probably a technical upward reaction within a secondary bear trend than the commencement of a strong up move.   **********...
Arising from my last week's blog, a reader sent me the following link: Bond, Stock & Gold Market Update - Lundeen He also posed a particularly interesting question (paraphrased): "If Mr Lundeen's conclusion regarding rising risks in...
A fascinating chart crossed my desk yesterday - apparently originated by Doug Short and referred to by Mike Shedlock. What interested me about this chart is that it is measuring a "rate of change" (yoy growth) of the US GDP, which is...
The NASDAQ 100 Index gapped up today to form a gap island reversal. (Chart courtesy The last time it did this was in December 2011, following which it reacted back before commencing a sustained rally. Here's the 5% X 3...
The investment world is currently full of paradoxes. For example, whilst the Gold Bugs Index (the $HUI which is made up of more speculative counters in precious metals) has been deteriorating strongly - see chart 1, courtesy stockcharts....
For well over a decade GATA has been "ranting" about the evils of the Fed and how the world economy is going to collapse in a heap. Of course, there is an element of truth in all their arguments but the fact is that the world economy has...
The following article appeared on the web this morning. It reports that India will be paying Iran in gold for the oil that it will be purchasing
Some analysts believe that gold has bottomed . I think they may be missing something important. The global financial game may have changed because Europe is being seen as more of a basket case than the US. Yes, gold was oversold and needed...
Below are two charts showing the cyclical behaviour of the S&P500 - over a +-9 month cycle and a +-4 year cycle. (source: Essentially, the way cycles are measured on a computer is that the computer looks for dips or...

The periodic symbol for gold is AU which come from the Latin for gold aurum.

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