first majestic silver


Rambus Chartology is Primarily a Goldbug TA Site following the precious metals markets. Chartology is the Unique Blend of Technical Chart Pattern Identification and Market Psychology,  Developed by Rambus During the Tech Mania of the late 1990s.  His Early Training came the old fashioned way...Reading Edwards and McGee's Bible of Technical Analysis and spending years with a sharp pencil graph paper and ruler refining his skills and accuracy. Visit the Rambus Chartology website at

Rambus Articles

Last weekend we looked at the US dollar which was beginning to show some strength as it is trying to find a bottom after a pretty hard selloff which can affect many different sectors in the markets. Today I would like to focus on the TNX,...
It’s been awhile since we last looked at some of the important currencies of the world which are telling us a big story right now. I’ve often mentioned that the bigger the trading range the bigger the move which makes perfect sense if you...
My job is to give you the best unbiased opinion of the markets to the best of my ability. That means my opinion is my opinion and not someone else’s. Opinions are a dime a dozen when it comes to the markets including mine. There are some...
There are just a few times in ones investing career, depending how early you start and if you survive long enough, that you are witness to some extraordinary changes from the MACRO scale perspective.
Before we look at the Gold charts tonight there are a couple of things I would like to explain to our new members. Long term members have heard what I’m going to explain many times in the past when we start a new impulse move. It sounds...
Last week I mentioned that it might be time for the PM stocks to start consolidating their gains from the last reversal point in the blue 5 point triangle reversal patterns. It looks like it has now started after last week’s high.
First let’s recap where the HUI is now vs two years ago at the March 2020 crash low. In some respects a lot has happened and on the other hand not a lot has happened. A lot happened during that very strong impulse move out of the 2020...
I would like to update some long-term charts for Gold to give you a feel for where Gold is at in its secular bull market that began at the 2000 double bottom low. I’ve said a million times that big patterns lead to a big move and the...
Let’s start with the BPGDM, Gold miners bullish percent chart which has just made a lower low along with the GDX on top. If you recall I was looking for some kind of divergence between the 2 which hasn’t happened yet red arrows on right...
There is a potential new pattern forming in the PM complex which I first notice on the short term daily chart for GLD. Below is the daily chart GLD we looked at late last week which was showing the multiple double tops and double bottoms.

The term “carat” comes from “carob seed,” which was standard for weighing small quantities in the Middle East.

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