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Gold Editorials & Commentary

October 26, 2017

I haven’t posted much on the US dollar lately as I’ve been waiting for the dust to settle, as the price action completed another reversal point in its nearly 2 1/2 year trading range.

The accumulation of monetary policy errors by the Fed is increasingly certain to culminate in the credit crisis that always marks the end of the credit cycle. Credit crises are the result of globally coordinated monetary policies nowadays, so the timing of the...

ECB President Mario Draghi is now walking back QE. This is not a surprise to our readers. I’ve been forecasting this exact development, (as well as the Euro's spike to 120) since August 2016 (by the way, the Euro was at 109 back then everyone thought it would soon...

When we talk about the Eurozone crisis we are usually referring to the Eurozone debt crisis. According to the OECD the debt crisis of 2011 was the world’s greatest threat.

October 25, 2017

Last December, the Iranian government of Hassan Rouhani passed a bill to change the name of Iran’s national currency from the rial to the toman. This would require a redenomination in which one zero was lopped off Iran’s unit of account, as 1 toman is equal to 10...

Recent high-profile cyber security breaches at Equifax and other financial institutions highlight the perils of an all-digital economy. When wealth can be evaporated or expropriated at the stroke of a key, how secure can your finances really be?

Fifty years ago the U.S. bombed North Vietnam. That worked out well for the military contractors but not for people or global economies.

It was one of the coolest scenes in the Adventures of Superman show: Clark Kent ripping back his business suit to reveal the Superman outfit underneath while he sprints to save the day. Probably millions of people have seen that transformation.

Why do we love gold? There are so many given reasons. From its presence throughout history, to its role as money, to its status as a symbol of wealth. But what is the psychology behind the human race’s ever-present love for gold? How did it begin, why has it...

October 24, 2017

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold: There's a little progress this week in the field of gold market analysis, for in his latest commentary, headlined: "Motive, Means, and Opportunity, But No Crime" --

While the financial media “high fives” over stocks hitting new high, something far more important is brewing in the bond markets. Bonds are the “smart money” in the financial system. The bond markets are not only much larger, but much more liquid than stocks. As...

 “The Federal Reserve and other central banks have piled up huge reserves. But there is no inflation because the money is sitting within the banks and they are not lending it. Therefore, you don’t get a multiplier effect.” -Pierre Lassonde, gold expert, interviewed...

Candidate Donald Trump was none too kind to current Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen during his 2016 campaign. However, the President’s tone with regards to Yellen and Fed policy has been softening since his election.

Since the birth of bitcoin there has been one question that has repeatedly grabbed headlines and led debates all over the world – will bitcoin replace gold? The latest to weigh in on this question is Goldman Sachs which, in a research note entitled ‘Fear and Wealth...

October 23, 2017

Last week, we discussed the marginal productivity of debt. This is how much each newly-borrowed dollar adds to GDP. And ever since the interest rate began its falling trend in 1981, marginal productivity of debt has tightly correlated with interest. The lower the...

After the Indian government eased rules on gold purchases, the country’s demand for gold jewelry and branded coins appears to be better than the last quarter, according to P.R. Somasundaram, MD for India at the World Gold Council. The ensuing wedding season is the...

It is my privilege now to welcome in Greg Weldon, CEO and President of Weldon Financial. Greg has over three decades of market research and trading experience, specializing in metals and commodity markets and even authored a book in 2006 titled Gold Trading Bootcamp...

Last week markets wobbled somewhat on the 30th anniversary of Black Monday with a 2017 version of an iffy day’s trading. The S&P 500 posted it’s biggest post-midnight drop on Friday, but went onto finish the day with yet another record close.

We are getting close to an intermediate top, but not quite there, yet. Another minor top, followed by another minor correction is likely to come first. A decline below 2521 on the next correction would alter that scenario.

October 22, 2017

The dollar is getting ready for a sizable rally, and that means that gold and silver are going to be knocked back again. Longer-term however, the outlook for the Precious Metals could scarcely be better, as we will see.

The Dow Jones Index this week closed at new all-time highs for each trading session, with Friday’s being the 70th new all-time high since last November’s election. That’s 70 of the 240 NYSE trading sessions since November 8th closing at a new all-time high; better...

We begin straightaway with a set of our hidden microphones still placed after all these years inside the Salzburg clinical offices of Dr. Youara Nichtsogut, noted analyst in the psychosis of precious metals…

October 21, 2017

Our proprietary cycle indicator is down. To public readers of our updates, our cycle indicator is one of the most effective timing tool for traders and investors. It is not perfect, because periodically the market can be more volatile and can result in short term ...

The stock market is inside a parabolic rally, a near vertical rise with no significant corrective declines in a year, the S&P500 not even experiencing a 1% daily decline in months. Parabolic rallies typically do not end well, but they can blow off to the upside...

October 20, 2017

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold: In his essay this week, "The Case Against Gold as a Central Bank Asset" -- The economic historian and libertarian financial writer Gary North argues that central banks should get rid of their gold reserves.

A German newspaper just published one of the most important things on gold you’ll read all year. It’s an interview with Pierre Lassonde, one of the smartest guys in mining. One of the smartest guys in the world. Pierre is the billionaire founder of top mining...

Here are today's videos and charts.

Leverage is the use of credit or borrowed capital to increase the earning potential of your investment portfolio. But like everything else in finance, higher returns mean higher risk, so leverage is not for everyone.

Ten years ago last week the U.S. stock market hit a peak before crashing during the financial crisis. That now seems a like a distant memory but with stocks making new record highs every day recently, it is prudent to step back and evaluate the long term performance...

Yesterday, the Department of Labor announced that initial jobless claims dropped. Quite a lot. So naturally, markets reacted. The stock market began to rise. The euro rose, at least for a while.

Gold IRA eBook

China is poised to become world's biggest gold consumer.

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