first majestic silver

Gold Editorials & Commentary

January 8, 2019

It’s time for the queen of assets to rest and consolidate. Nothing goes up in a straight line, and that’s certainly true for gold!

The Bureau of Labor Statistics delivered a blowout jobs report on Friday. Headline chasing algorithms and investors responded by snapping up stocks. They also sold some gold and silver futures, driving prices lower on the day.

Walls have been in the news a lot lately. Walls which may be built, walls which may not be built. Yet for all the talk of walls these days, there is one wall that precious metals investors should be focusing on foremost. And no, it has nothing to do with the...

Stock prices have become synonymous with economic growth and prosperity. In truth, the stock market is nothing more than a reflection of the inflation/currency devaluation caused by the Fed’s money printing and lascivious enablement of rampant credit creation.

Price ratios determine relative value of the precious metals and are useful tools for deciding which metal to buy at any given time.

King Dollar was on top in 2018, one of the few major assets to close the year in the black on steady interest rate hikes and robust economic growth in the U.S. But greenback strength is a double-edged sword, as you know. Although good for U.S. consumers, it can...

Gold trades like a safe haven because in part that's what it is. The yen is a piece of crap, but it trades like a safe haven due to the relentless popularity of yen carry trades. Divergences or non-confirmations between gold and the yen can create trading...

One financial resolution is to read and watch less financial news. I stay up to date with financial markets, including breaking financial news, as I have to write a market update every day and frequently provide comment to media.

January 7, 2019

The yellow metal finished 2018 with its best quarter since March 2017 amid stock market volatility and the partial U.S. government shutdown. Bloomberg writes than in contrast, the S&P 500 saw its worst fourth quarter decline in a decade and the first negative...

2018 ended with a thud and the worst December stock market performance since 1931. Global equities corrected by -15% in three short months. Technology stocks were taken to the woodshed. Here is a snapshot of the peak-to-trough declines of some of the former leaders...

The epoch bond bubble continues to build and become a dagger over the worldwide economy and markets. Wall Street Shills are fond of claiming that global bond yields remain at historically low levels due to central bank manipulations, but this argument is no longer...

The precious metals complex has enjoyed a nice run in recent months. GDX has gained 25% since the September lows while GDXJ has gained 22% since its November low. Gold has rallied over $100/oz since its October low and Silver has surged in recent weeks.

The yen, whose behavior corresponds closely to gold’s, began 2019 with a giant leap that slightly pierced the 0.94148 midpoint resistance of the pattern shown. This is bullish but would become still more so if the futures can close for two consecutive weeks above it...

Unarguably, the finest piece of work that I have ever seen on the state of the global financial world – ever - is the one recently created and presented by Grant Williams of RealVisionTV.

At this time…along with just about everyone who comments on financial markets, I have to write on what I think 2019 will bring. Scanning with Google, it seems clear 2019 is expected to be a year of volatility and brinkmanship.

On Thursday of last week SPX was down 62 points.  On Friday it was up 84.  This market is not for the faint-hearted!  Daily moves of 700 points or more are becoming common place for the DJIA.  But you might as well get used to it because it shows no sign of abetting...

January 6, 2019

Last week's trading saw gold continuing to make higher highs for the mid-term upward phase, with the metal running all the way up to a peak of 1300.40 - made in Friday's session. From there, a quick correction was seen, though ending the week higher overall. The...

So let me ask you; what website was posting stuff about the proper fundamentals needed for gold and especially the gold stock sector leveraged to it all through the gold bear market? Who was asking you to tune out the promoters beating the tired old inflationary...

Just as Neo flexed his muscles upon learning he is “The One” and took out Agent Smith at the finale of The Matrix , Gold is now letting fiat currencies know who is really in charge.

In a nutshell for those of you who've been gallivanting about in mirthful holiday mode, we concluded that since gold hadn't altered any of its overhead pricing structure in not having traded far enough upward as to so do, nothing has thus changed such that the...

January 5, 2019

Our proprietary cycle indicator is up. Gold sector is on a major sell signal. GLD is on short term buy signal. GDX is on short term buy signal. is on short term buy signal. 

For the first time in nearly a year, gold has a number of important supports in its favor which should propel its price higher in the months ahead. Signs of continued deterioration in the global economy, along with a a distressing drop in U.S. Treasury bond yields,...

Precious metals markets are off to a strong start in 2019. Gold and silver both closed Thursday at multi-month highs as the stock market reversed sharply to the downside.

January 4, 2019

Here are today's videos and charts.

This article looks at prospective supply and demand factors for financial assets in the New Year and beyond. Investors should take into account money flowing into and out of financial assets as well as stock flows, particularly escalating government bond issuance,...

The gold stocks’ young upleg is really growing, on a trajectory to become major.  This contrarian sector is breaking out to the upside on multiple fronts technically, which is really improving sentiment.  Traders’ extreme bearishness of late summer has mostly abated...

– Gold over 6-month high at $1,300 on global slowdown fears

– Bullion surges 5% in December and consolidates on gains this week

I was going to look around to see if I could find a media article out there (complete with a TA trying to sound really important) that would be appropriate to be made fun of in our little Men Who Stare at Charts series. But then I decided to create my own chart,...

The extreme bearish CoT positions necessarily imply the turning point in the gold market. Myth or fact? We invite you to read our today’s article about Comex positioning and find out whether futures will save gold.

January 3, 2019

There is probably no more irritating an adage than the old Wall Street one which says “no one rings a bell at the bottom or top of a market” … but it does highlight the purpose or value of making a trading call - or if you prefer (as it is the season for it) … in...

Gold IRA eBook

Small amounts of natural gold were found in Spanish caves used by the Paleolithic Man about 40,000 B.C.

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