Doug McIntosh

Doug McIntosh Articles

A quote from my 2-26-2001 essay called "A Dangerous Spring"- "I've often said the legacy of the child king would be war and depression." Now then, as we deploy tens of thousands of combat troops into Central Asia, send...
Thus spoke the crucified Messiah nailed to a Roman cross on a bleak Judean hill many centuries ago; thus say I regarding the events of September 11, 2001. Let no reasonable person have any illusions. Let no person anywhere on the planet...
When the sun shines up here in Portland in August, we do know how to get down as they say. We have a local festival paying homage to real Italians and wantabes like me. I'm not Italian, but I always felt I should have been; with all the...
From a sociological standpoint, watching people react to the current economic situation is fascinating. The media is sinking even lower in my estimation as they continue to shill for the corrupt elite running this planet. The media aren't...
The American economy will have collapsed before the powers that be admit there is even a problem. You have to admire Mr. Magoo and his comic relief team in their fetish like refusal to say the R word. Mr. Magoo may be old and in my opinion...
I think I've got the stock market figured out for this year. It's a quarterly thing you see. At the beginning of the economic quarter hope is high, Mr. Magoo cuts interest rates and the whore media chirps in; presto, a stock market surge....
Never have so few, lied so much, to so many, for so long. Me thinks Mr. Magoo will have this engraved on his tombstone if he's lucky. Heck, why stop there, this is the epitaph for the whole filthy, rotten, stinking system we live under....
A cottage industry has developed comparing modern America with ancient Rome and its decline. While I share some of the adherents views, I'm much too good of a historian to believe the past repeats itself exactly. Certainly, trends and...
Portland is the last bastion of semi civil America urban life. Back east in the urban multiplex blobs all pretense of form, function and basic life support have long since ceased; as for California, just wait till the electricity goes off...
It seems American consumers have come back to their senses in regards to the economic situation. After an unexplained, perhaps spring fever?, jump in March, consumer confidence promptly went back exactly to where it was the month before....

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