first majestic silver

Mark J Lundeen

Mark J Lundeen Articles

This week, the Dow Jones in its BEV chart below closed above last week’s close, by 0.01% BEV points, or up $2.37 from last week.  Not much of an advance, but it wasn’t a decline either.  So, we’re only 1.50% BEV points from the Dow Jones’...
What a difference two weeks can make in the market!  Not all that long ago, I was trashing the old-tired bulls on Wall Street for not having what it took to have the Dow Jones close in scoring position (BEVs from -0.01% to -4.99%).  I take...
I kept saying it’s going down. But damn it, it keeps going up. I’m talking about the Dow Jones in its BEV chart below. So, what’s wrong? Clearly, it’s a case of; when you finally figure out the rules in the market, someone else always...
The last time the Dow Jones closed in scoring position, was in mid-August. With this week’s BEV close of -6.84%, the Dow Jones isn’t far from closing in scoring position again. Will it do so again? To answer that question, I’m going to...
The stock market was remarkably strong this week; five daily advances that lifted the Dow Jones up by 4.47BEV points in the chart below, or 1,644 points since last Friday.  I’m not going to argue with success, it was a very good week for...
The current downtrend in the Dow Jones began on August 7th, and for the past two, almost three months it’s been all downhill. Not an avalanche, but so far, a relentless deflation in valuation that has now taken the Dow Jones below its BEV...
The Dow Jones closed the week with a BEV of -9.98%, a mere 0.02% from being a double-digit BEV value (-10.0% BEV). I take this to mean the Dow Jones is going down, but not fast enough to alarm the investment public; not yet anyway. Give it...
The Dow Jones advanced a bit this week, bouncing off its BEV -10% line.  With things happening in Israel and the Gaza Strip, one would think the Dow Jones should have gone down.  I still expect the next significant level to be crossed by...
Slowly, but surely, the Dow Jones is headed down. That isn’t saying it couldn’t turn around, and begin going up again. But if it does turn around, and you can depend that at some point it will, you have to ask yourself a question; are we...
This week the Dow Jones closed with its BEV value closer to the -10% line than its -5% line in its BEV chart below.  What to think about that?  Well, it hasn’t seen a double-digit BEV value since June 1st, and then the Dow Jones hasn’t...

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