Mark J Lundeen
I first learned the significance of electrical power demand (EP) just after the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the western intelligentsia was thrown into disarray with the discovery that...
I have some good news and some bad news this week; first the bad news. The “policy makers” dictating “monetary policy” at the Federal Reserve have decided that in order to save the banking system from its scandalous behavior over the past...
Since August 1971 when the US unilaterally abandoned the Bretton Woods’ $35 an ounce gold peg, the financial markets have changed in fundamental ways; for instance in market volatility as seen in the frequency of Dow Jones daily moves of 2...
Mendacity, like Janet Yellen’s “growing economy”, is a system of lies. With “economic growth” managed by politicians, economists and bankers how else could it be? These self-described “policy makers” are comfortable dealing with half-...
What a world we live in. The Ph.Ds. managing our financial markets have apparently discovered a means to bypass the law of supply and demand. Since January the Federal Reserve has tapered tens of billions of dollars from their monthly QE...
Barron’s has published U.S. electrical power consumption (EP) since their 05 Aug 1929 issue, just weeks before the stock market crash of October 1929. Regrettably this means EP’s 52Wk moving average, a vital series in my work, doesn’t...
With the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989 came a surge of expert opinion explaining why the Soviet Union was destined to fail; apparently, communism had made it impossible for the Soviet economy to find the correct prices for goods and...
This week my focus is on the stock market, but first let’s compare how the Dow Jones has performed compared to gold and silver since their credit crisis lows. Remember, gold and silver bottomed in October 2008, five months before the Dow...
Animals exist in an eternal now; to them the past means little and the future an incomprehensible impossibility. People are different, or at least they should be able to see the past as a key to future possibilities, but sadly, when it...
For all the recent depressing price action in gold and silver, really nothing has changed in the past year. Take silver’s BEV chart as an example, below we see where in April of 2013 it was bushwhacked to its BEV -60% from its BEV -40%...