Pierce Wellington

Senior Technical Analyst

Pierce Wellington is the Senior Technical Analyst and a head trading consultant. After making unwise decisions early in his trading career, he developed a passion for Education, Technical Analysis and Trading Discipline. He has successfully traded the Gold and Silver markets for over a decade and is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT).

Pierce Wellington Articles

In this updated gold price forecast, we will look at short, intermediate and long-term gold price targets. I also have a silver price forecast explaining the possibilities of a $300 price target for silver and how I plan to turn precious...
At buygoldprice.com, we use a combination of cycle and technical analysis tools to forecast precious metal prices. Though these tools are not flawless when combined, they often forecast certain lows, give or take a few days. Below are the...
Over the years, I have found cycle analysis to be one of the most useful tools for helping me forecast both gold prices and silver prices. Gold and Silver cycles last topped in May, and I expected the biannual cycle lows to arrive during...
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but our cycle work suggests an additional 12-18 months of correction before the Major bottom in both gold and silver prices. Now, before you get too upset let me explain why we are supporting such an...
I often get e-mails from beaten and battered gold and silver bulls wondering if the prices will ever go back up. I understand their frustration and decided to write a second editorial answering this question once again.
On Wednesday July 8th, the NYSE halted trading for several hours citing a “technical glitch” as the culprit with stocks finally resuming trading one by one later in the day. While on the same day United Airlines grounded planes as they...
With more evidence arriving this week, it has become a near certainty that both gold and silver prices have topped in their Biannual Cycles and will head lower into the summer of 2015. The gold price peaked in the ninth week of its...
It is becoming more and more likely that both the Biannual Cycles for Gold and Silver have topped. I’m increasing the likelihood of a top to 90% at this time and will begin looking down instead of up. Once we have the final confirmations...
The current gold price and silver price action has many concerned, and we wanted to take a minute to post some thoughts. To be clear, gold could still reach our May $1,300 target. Nonetheless, if gold has two consecutive closes below the $...
Both gold prices and silver prices have corrected longer and deeper than we initially anticipated. Gold is starting the sixth week of its current Biannual Cycle (average 20+ weeks) and is only $40 above the $1,141 Biannual Cycle Low. The...

A medical study in France during the early twentieth century suggests that gold is an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

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