Mervyn Burak

Merv is a retired Aerospace Engineering consultant.  He is also a retired market technician with over 40 years of market experience and research.  Merv received his certification as a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) in 1992. Developer of many technical techniques and programs which he has been using in his previous Technically Speaking with Wil-Arm and Technically Precious with Merv commentaries posted throughout the globe.  Developer of several gold and silver Indices, Merv continues to update his Merv’s Gold & Silver 100 Index and Merv’s Penny Arcade 50 Index and reviews them during his periodic on-going Technically Precious commentaries. 

Mervyn Burak Articles

My long-term projection to the $2150 level is still operative. However, the short and intermediate-term look decidedly grim. Unfortunately, gold will track up or down depending more on world politics than any fundamental considerations....
I couldn’t think of a catchy title, so I thought I’d just throw that one out. There are some who think that a gold crash is just down the road. The chart of the Market Vectors Jr. Gold Miners ETF (see below) seems to be pointing in that...
Although gold is in what I would call a lateral holding pattern, the latest action is not all that encouraging. Gold and silver stocks are something else. They are most definitely weakening - and may be foretelling what gold and silver...
Gold closed the week very slightly lower. However, there are indications that more downside may be ahead. For now this downside is not seen as serious - and new highs may be expected after the short slide is over. However, surprises...
My projection for gold a few weeks back to $2,150 is still not in any jeopardy of failure. There will be bumps along the way such as Friday’s decline, but these by themselves are not anything to worry about. So, when do we arrive at that...
A weekly decline of $4 in the price of gold is a drop in the ocean -- and nothing at this point to have any concerns about. My previous commentary projecting gold to the $2150 level still stands. Moreover, the critical worry point as far...
Massive virus attack sent my main computer for repair limiting my posting this past weekend. However, I have been able to get my Point and Figure charts done -- and here I show the gold and oil charts. They are going in different...
322% gain this year, so far. THAT’s “penny” performance but real dollar profits. Will it continue? Well, that’s to be seen. In the last couple of weeks the gold stock action has actually been in the “quality” stocks and that does not...
That’s the AVERAGE gain for the 50 penny stocks in the Merv’s Penny Arcade Index (see below). If history is to repeat, then there is still another 300-500% gain ahead. One sign that speculators are comfortable with a bull market is their...
Let’s all get excited – $30 bounce on Friday – Hurray – Where are the Champagne glasses? Oh wait, we’ve seen this picture before and not that long ago. Back on 2 Feb (check the chart) we had a $53 bounce (76% higher than Friday’s bounce)...

The purity of gold is measured in carat weight.

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