first majestic silver

Bear's Lair

Bear Markets always follow Bull markets and a severe stock market correction is long overdue. Bears Lair will spot, monitor and analyze the stock market correction as it develops.


Activity somewhat mimicked Tuesday . .

We last looked at monthly charts of the gold price and related prices to set certain parameters for gold.

Think about this great business idea for a minute. Let's borrow some surplus stuff and sell it for whatever we can get. We'll buy a futures contract to get it back at some certain future date, so we're covered.

Is the market thumbing its nose at reality? In a fundamental sense, yes; in a technical sense, no; and from a seasonal sense, this goes on mostly as it should for all the enumerated reasons, that the Daily Briefing

It was not a whole lot of fun but we are, nonetheless, happy to have another option expiration week behind us. For the week, the Dow gained 127 points, or just over 1%.

The dismal science will never be the same if economist, Dr. Kurt Richebacher's dire predictions for the global economy should come to pass.

To fully appreciate the occult meaning and especially the real purpose of the Federal Res

The broad U.S. equities market, as measured by the Dow Jones Industrials and NASDAQ Composite, flashed a bearish signal late last week and will likely experience weakness over the next several days.

Efforts to fill a "gap" . .

In a just world, it would be accepted as axiomatic that any movement toward tax relief amongst a people as heavily taxed as we are, would be greeted with cries of joy; and any politician who opposed it would forfeit any chance of e

Every dog has his day, the old saying goes, and gold will be getting his in the weeks immediately ahead.

Recovering from the deeply over-sold conditions of the past several weeks, the U.S.

Southern Era just discovered what it's like to get worked over by elitists, namely De Beers. Southern Era has a high grade diamond-rich kimberlite pipe, with a two year life.

What will result from the ensuing bust:

The U.S. equities market last week resumed its technical weakness but provided further clues as to where its intermediate-term trend may be pointing.

Gold stocks: the real leverage!

Proximity concerns . .

Part I

Market Plunges, Signals Change In Psychology

Gold only seems to have lost its luster because prices on gold have gone down for 18 years.

It was a bearish week on Wall Street. While the Dow did post a 59-point rise, and the Morgan Stanley Cyclical index and utilities gained more than 1%, most other averages were in decline.

Chart Symmetry is designed around the observation that prices tend to change direction along certain preferred gradients. New readers are advised to read the first article in this series to discover how Chart Symmetry works.

Why this time the resulting bust will be worse:

Persistent rumors have been coming out of London for three weeks that G-7 bankers have been bailing out hedge funds to the tune of $25 billion and at the same time making a coordinated effort to drive down the price of gold, so tha

Looming economic reports . .

After almost two tumultuous weeks of trading, the U.S. equities outlook has now definitely established at least a short-term downtrend.

What is likely to happen to the price of gold? Up or down?

It was a decisive week for the bearish view, with losses for the dollar, credit markets and stocks. For the week, the Dow and S&P 500 dropped about 2%. The Morgan Stanley Cyclical index and the Utilities shed 3%.

I'd like to offer a unique perspective (most remaining gold stock investors are focused only on big hedgers like Barrick Gold) on picking rewarding gold stocks for the next gold bull cycle.

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The average human body contains 0.2 mg of gold with the bone containing .016 ppm and the liver .0004 ppm.

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