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Gold Editorials & Commentary

December 4, 2017

A reader emailed us, to ask a few pointed questions. Paraphrasing, they are: Who cares if dollars are calculated in gold or gold is calculated in dollars? People care only if their purchasing power has grown. What is the basis good for? Is it just mathematical play...

Apparently, Venezuelan President Madura is following China’s lead. However, instead of a subtle rollout over time as to not cause some kind of market shake up, Madura has decided that now is as good a time as any to announce the creation of a new digital currency,...

The World Gold Council announced a resurgence of gold demand in China driven by millennials and online sales. China was also the biggest contributor to global gold demand during the past quarter, according to China Daily. The yellow metal is also becoming popular in...

What storm? The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DOW) reached another all-time high. Interest rates in the U.S. are yielding multi-decade lows, some say multi-century lows. Trillions of dollars in global sovereign debt have negative yield and European junk bonds yield...

It is my privilege now to welcome Gerald Celente, publisher of the renowned Trends Journal. Mr. Celente is perhaps the most well-known trends forecaster in the world and it's always great to have him on with us.

Today I would like to step back and take a longer-term perspective on where gold is likely headed in 2018.  My first chart is a 20+ year weekly showing that gold is at a major inflection point in my long-term uptrend channel. It shows a massive 20+ year Bull Flag...

Erratic and volatile behavior is often associated with important market tops. I believe that SPX is currently conforming with historical patterns.

December 3, 2017

Dictatorship (noun): Definition #3: absolute power or authority (Websters); Def. #2: absolute, imperious or overbearing power or control (Random House); Def. #3: Absolute or despotic control or power (American Heritage); Def. #3: Absolute or supreme power or...

We were privileged to kick off the month of December yesterday (Friday) by taking coffee late in the trading session over at "the club" (oh yes) with a great and good friend of The Gold Update. In sharing the screen over which we'd been brooding since midnight of...

Back From My two Week Break And Nothing Much Has Changed: Dow Jones Index continues advancing. Gold is range bound at current levels since the beginning of October. The Dow Jones broke above 24,000 this week on Thursday. It was trading in the 23,000 range only since...

December 2, 2017

In this post we want to share two interesting sets of data that we find are interesting and add to the case of a stock market top is highly likely to take place in 2018. Be sure to read Part I “ How To Know When A Bull Market Is About To End (Part I) ”.

Our proprietary cycle indicator is down. Gold sector is on major buy signal since early 2016. Major signals can last for months and years and are more suitable for long-term investors.

“Uber-bull predictions of gold at over $5,000 per ounce are not beyond the realms of possibility…” So says GoldCore founder and self-confessed gold bug, Mark O’Byrne.

December 1, 2017

The central banks’ inability to achieve their inflation targets led some analysts to argue for modifying these targets. Are they inappropriate in a modern, globalized economy? Should central banks change them? Or should they conduct a more rule-based policy, as John...

When Central Banks attempted to corner the sovereign bond market via ZIRP and QE, they forced ALL risk in the financial system to adjust lower. Remember, in a fiat-based monetary system such as the one used by the world today, sovereign bonds NOT gold are the...

Here are today's videos and charts.

The junior gold miners’ stocks have spent months grinding sideways near lows, sapping confidence and breeding widespread bearishness. The entire precious-metals sector has been left for dead, eclipsed by the dazzling Trumphoria stock-market rally. But traders need...

November 30, 2017

Recent moves in the FANG stocks shows that capital is starting to reposition within the global market.  As the end of the year approaches, expect more of this type of capital control to drive greater volatility within the markets.  At this time of year, especially...

A dispassionate look at the quantities and flows of fiat dollars tells us much about the current state of the US economy, and therefore prospects for the dollar itself. This is a starting point for understanding the dynamics likely to affect the dollar’s purchasing...

Remember how the Fed, ECB and others all claimed ZIRP and QE were about generating economic growth, making mortgages more affordable, and helping consumers? Well, that was a gigantic lie. The truth is that every major policy employed by Central Banks since 2008 have...

Bulls’ failure this week to achieve the 1305.00 Hidden Pivot target shown in the chart (click on inset) is not exactly a sign of robust health. Actually, the good guys needed to have done somewhat better than that, surpassing the 1312.70 peak from October 16, to...

Stephen Flood, CEO of GoldCore presentation (28 minutes) was well received at the conference, which is a strategic mining and investment conference for leaders in the mining and investment sectors, bringing together attendees from 20 countries.

In recent weeks, the War on Gold, which is a subset of the broader War on Human Freedom, has sharply intensified, with massive, multi-billion dollar naked short price raids now being launched on a weekly and even daily basis by the criminal, state-sponsored price...

November 29, 2017

I attended the Silver And Gold Summit in San Francisco November 20 and 21. It was great connecting with the many people I know in the industry, but I will tell you that a) attendance was low, and b) crypto promoters were out in force. It turned out to be more of a...

Last week Russia’s Central Bank First Deputy Governor Sergei Shvetsov said Russians own gold bullion and their central bank is adding to its gold reserves in order to “beef up national security.” Yesterday, the Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov warned...

November 28, 2017

An oceanic-scale demand push from "all parts Far East" is building, as the desire to own gold and silver promises to place an increasingly solid foundation for years to come.

The big picture for gold continues to strengthen. In 2016 gold began the year at about $1100, soared $300 an ounce to about $1400, but then it gave back about $250, and ended the year at about $1150 with only a $50 gain.

This is a very frustrating period for gold investors. Global financial and geopolitical risks appear to be very high but gold has not responded. Gold and gold stocks are range-trading and have been since early March of this year. Gold is in a roughly $150 range (...

November 27, 2017

This 2017 year was the year that the financial system moved from fearing deflation to expecting inflation. You can see this in the breakout in inflation expectations. From 2013 until mid-2016, the financial system’s expectations of future inflation were in a...

Knowing when a bull market is about to end is critical for both traders and investors. Why? Because once a bull market ends the price movement characteristics of stocks and indexes change dramatically and require different strategies to be used in order to profit...

Gold IRA eBook

China has only 2% of its Total Foreign Reserves in gold.

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