first majestic silver

P. Radomski

CFA, Editor & Founder @ Sunshine Profits

Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA, is the founder, owner and the main editor of  You can reach Przemyslaw at:

P. Radomski Articles

With silver outperforming and key supports for the USDX holding, what’s in store for the precious metals in the upcoming months?
With a tug-of-war for USD Index supremacy unfolding at the 94 level, precious metals are anxiously awaiting the final outcome. And because the EUR/USD is the head of the dollar basket’s snake – due to the fact that the currency pair...
Mining stocks were picked up by investors in the latest bullish wave. But these bad performers may be dumped just as quickly as they were bought.
Strong words, I know. Can I back them up? Well, what we see now – looking at various markets – does indeed look like the start of gold’s end.
Inflation is surging and consumers’ inflation expectations are doing the same. The FOMC minutes show that the central bank finally accepted reality.
With inflation getting worse, has the Fed woken up? And with the USD looking bright, gold, silver, and mining stocks continue to feel the pinch.
The old saying goes: in the case of gold and the dollar, the latter’s uprising is the former’s downsizing. Will we see this materializing once again?
Thank you for watching today’s free analysis. Please note that it is just a small fraction of the upcoming Gold & Silver Trading Alert. The latter is going to include over 40 charts and other premium details that are not available to...
With inflation more than two times lower in Europe than in the US, the divergence between the economic zones deepens day by day. How might it impact gold?
With inflation surging and Powell praying for a “transitory” miracle, the troubles confronting the Fed are accelerating, not decelerating.

78 percent of the yearly gold supply is made into jewelry.

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