first majestic silver

P. Radomski

CFA, Editor & Founder @ Sunshine Profits

Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA, is the founder, owner and the main editor of  You can reach Przemyslaw at:

P. Radomski Articles

Gold miners just moved to fresh 2024 lows, and we saw additional breakdowns. The decline continues, as expected.
In my Friday’s intraday Alert, I wrote that the post nonfarm-payroll rally wasn’t here to stay. It didn’t. As is always the case, it’s a good idea to check for previous analogous situations before claiming that “this move” is real or fake...
What a perfect way to end the year! Clear breakouts, obvious breakdowns, and a major signal from tech stocks. In my recent gold price forecast for January 2024, I wrote about the most important of the recent technical events in gold (gold’...
Gold price has been falling in today’s pre-market trading, but… Given the recent (HUGE!) weekly reversal, does it really surprise anyone?
Did you notice what happened in gold, miners, and stocks at the end of Friday’s session? It was small and huge at the same time.
You do. At least if you want to catch the really big and really profitable moves, and not only the small ones. Let me explain. The accuracy of the RSI (Relative Strength Index) for gold and mining stocks is quite notable. In fact, it’s...
The implications are so crystal-clear that I’m not sure if it’s even needed to describe them. But I’ll proceed, nonetheless.
Some say that war never changes, and in some aspects, that’s true. But markets’ reactions to war are also remarkably similar.
The huge rally in gold and the monstrous decline that followed provided a sign of epic proportions.
We got the silver signal, we saw the analogy to the previous low-CPI-number surprise, and now we have this. We have a situation in the USD Index that is a screaming buy alert.

In the Aztec language the name for gold is teocuitlatl which means "excrement of the gods."

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