first majestic silver

P. Radomski

CFA, Editor & Founder @ Sunshine Profits

Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA, is the founder, owner and the main editor of  You can reach Przemyslaw at:

P. Radomski Articles

Subtle, yet important. That’s what the changes in the precious metals were like on Friday. The breakdowns in gold and mining stocks were verified, just like they were supposed to, and we made money on this rebound through the quick long...
Junior mining stocks have been very strong recently, also relative to senior miners. What does it mean? It means it’s story time.
What a difference a day can make! Everything was just SO bearish, and now… Well, some things changed. They changed quite profitably, as we just took profits off the table with GDXJ at $33.26. And right now, it seems that long positions...
In theory, nothing changed for the precious metals market yesterday, but in reality, it was the opposite, thanks to the signs from the USDX and stocks. Let’s start with the latter.
Another day, another decline in the junior miners. That’s the new reality. And with just a small push, the waterfall selling will start. Why? For instance, because of the head-and-shoulders pattern that is about to be completed.
What a difference 24h can make, huh? Gold rallied visibly on Monday, only to give it back on Tuesday. Same with miners. What’s next?
No market moves up or down in a straight line, and there are pullbacks, pauses, and corrections. See, one doesn’t invalidate the trend.
Reversals. Plenty of reversals. With reversal-based seasoning. Gold, silver, miners, the dollar, and even stocks – all reversed profoundly last week.
It’s always darkest before dawn, and the feeling is most bullish before the top. Is the sentiment (unnecessarily) positive right now?
Gold and USD Index are always connected – the former can’t break from the currency it’s priced in. And right now, that provides us with extra clues. Things are very exciting on the USD Index front. Yes, it’s declining, and yes, it’s...

The term “carat” comes from “carob seed,” which was standard for weighing small quantities in the Middle East.

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