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Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


April 17, 2024

With gold and silver rallying while there's been a selloff in the bond market, today Dr. Jim Willie checks in to share his view on what's happening.

April 16, 2024

The best-performing precious metal for the past week was platinum, up 6.68%, followed by palladium up 4.82%. China raised its gold holdings for the 17th consecutive month at record prices, while India also added to its gold holdings.

Mainstream analysts are becoming more excited about gold… even as it becomes technically overbought on the daily and weekly price charts.

Gary Tanashian, editor and publisher of Notes From the Rabbit Hole ( discusses the current macro, the meaning of the breakout in Gold and why Gold and gold miners will really soar after the coming bust.

Thomas Parilla, President of Parilla Investment Group, joins the show to discuss the exciting developments in the gold and silver markets. Thomas shares insights on the recent surge in silver prices, the geopolitical tensions affecting the markets, and his...

April 15, 2024

I BOUGHT A STOCK (AU) AT 20… Now, it’s 23. I must be rich. That sounds ridiculous and it is. But, that is how some gold bulls sound when talking about “new highs” for the yellow metal.

Gold’s huge-volume reversal is definitely THE news that got the spotlight last week. What does it mean? It most likely means that “this is it”. This was the final top for the price of gold for at least some time. At least that’s what the huge-volume sessions meant...

Recently the World Bank released a handbook for asset managers on why to invest in gold. At Gainesville Coins I have written numerous articles on gold revaluation accounts and how these can be deployed by central banks to absorb losses in case of emergency. The...

Gold and silver continue to push higher, curiously, at the same time as variables that normally trade in the opposite direction, namely government bonds and the US dollar, move upward in tandem.

There are trend followers and then there are regression to the mean traders. We like to trade the trend but we also want to try and get in at the bottom and that's what cycles and sentiment, the two tools that I use primarily to trade the markets, are pretty good at...

The devastating bear market in Treasury paper since 2020 may be nearing an end. I was pessimistic about this myself when TLT, an exchange-traded fund, that tracks the long bond, broke down last week.

Another day, another new all-time high in gold. As well as another dollar higher in silver. Maybe this is a little bit what it felt like to own Bitcoin over the past few years?

Gold & Silver formed bearish intraday reversals on Friday and the miners also retrenched after hitting resistance. The metals and miners will correct but expect weakness to not last long.

April 14, 2024

In this full-ranging discussion with Anthony Fatseas of WT Finance, VON GREYERZ partner, Matthew Piepenburg, squarely addresses the financial, market, currency and central bank forces which evidence an embarrassing disconnect between markets at blow-off tops and a...

The turnaround in gold and the Precious Metals sector on Friday was really dramatic with gold dropping about $80 from its 11 am EDT peak and this brought out the old explanation about “the powers that be” cratering it by burying it with paper shorts. However, as we...

From my last article posted in late-March, Gold was in the midst of a larger uptrend, which was expected to hold up into the early-to-mid April timeframe. With that, we are now in the range for a correction for the yellow metal, though one favored to end up as a...

Two weeks ago, on the last trading day in March, the Dow Jones closed at a BEV Zero.  In the following ten NYSE trading sessions, Mr Bear has almost knocked the Dow Jones out of scoring position, closing the week with a BEV of -4.58%.

This past Tuesday 09 April at precisely 07:15 GMT, Gold tapped our 2375 forecast high for this year.  As we reminded you valued readers a week ago, such call made back on 30 December was couched as “conservative”.

As inflation continues to come in hotter than expected, gold and silver markets continue to gain upside momentum, although today’s market action is very wild.

April 13, 2024

Gold has broken out firmly and has no overhead resistance. Gold sector cycle is up. Trend is up for gold and gold stocks.

If you listen to mainstream punditry and government spinmeisters, you'll hear all kinds of reasons for inflation. It was supply chain issues! It's because Putin invaded Ukraine! It's Trump's fault!

April 12, 2024

Gold’s record-shattering breakout surge during the past six weeks has proven magnificent!  Sustained momentum-chasing buying outside of normal channels has fueled these sharp gains, which gold miners’ stocks are increasingly leveraging.  But such big-and-fast surges...

We are entering the recognition phase of the gold bull market where pullbacks become brief and infrequent. Many investors will be left behind. Silver is gaining traction, and prices could explode to the upside if they manage to push through $30.00 next week. Gold...

We did some heavy-duty profit booking this week on the gold and silver stocks in most of our portfolios. we hit a home run with the oil stocks and NRGU, and we locked in some juicy profits on the NUGT gold stocks ETF. We also shorted the Nasdaq by buying SQQQ, right...

Gold’s weekly chart is purely bullish. The pattern of this chart targets 2450. This is a purely bullish breakout to blue sky.

n December 2020, half a year into the pandemic, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) received a call from the US Treasury Department. For years, the US had accused Switzerland of monetarily steering the franc (CHF) to create “unfair” advantages that harmed its...

As he was ramping up his presidential campaign in December 2019, Joe Biden criticized Donald Trump over his calls for the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates.

Gold is very close to confirming a new secular bull market by way of outperforming the conventional 60/40 investment portfolio. We analyze Gold against the 60/40 portfolio and Gold against the stock market.

Chris Vermeulen, Chief Market Strategist at The Technical Traders, joins the show to discuss the dynamic shifts in the precious metals market amidst a backdrop of economic uncertainty and central bank actions.

There was another hotter than expected CPI report yesterday, which normally would have sent gold and silver prices lower. As any inflationary readings would suggest the Federal Reserve would be less likely to lower interest rates sooner rather than later.

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