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Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


June 4, 2024

For those who have followed my stock market analysis through the years, you would likely remember that, many years ago, I set a minimum long-term target for the SPX at 5350, with potential to rally as high as 6000SPX. In fact, many of you may also remember my...

The long-term forecast for higher interest rates, according to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, makes it more difficult to control US borrowing needs, which emphasizes the significance of raising revenue in the forthcoming budget talks with Republican lawmakers....

If you make your currency less usable — say, by running aggravatingly high inflation, by closing services outside of banking hours, by burdening users with insultingly silly paperwork and know-your-customer requirements, by freezing accounts over minor infractions,...

Joining us today is Thomas Parilla, President of Parilla Investment Group. I wanted to start off with gold and silver. Where do you think gold is going from now to the end of 2024?

Just last week India repatriated 100 tons of its gold from England. And now the World Gold Council is reporting that the Reserve Bank of India purchased more gold in the first quarter of 2024 than they did in all of 2023.

June 3, 2024

The rapidly eroding confidence in our institutions gets plenty of news coverage. We expect it will be a dominant theme for investors in the years ahead.

Speaking of my fellow gurus, our switchboards have lit up to warn that something big is looming.  Even the oddballs who think stocks are headed much higher seem to agree that a punitive correction is long overdue. And although each of us would like to believe that...

Mike McGlone, senior Macro Strategist for Bloomberg Intelligence, joins the show to discuss what the vast amount of tech layoffs tells us about the economy. We also discuss what asset classes are the best to invest in heading toward 2025, Fed tightening, and more....

Gold and Silver closed May making new monthly all-time highs but appear to be cooling off before the summer. The path of least resistance for Gold, Silver and the miners over the next week to two weeks looks to be lower.

The verdict in Donald Trump's case came in last week, and he was found guilty on 34 counts. But how does this affect the election? And how will it impact the gold and silver markets?

June 2, 2024

Sturdy central bank gold buying since 2009 and a rising gold price has grown the precious metal’s share of global international reserves to the detriment of fiat currencies. By the end of 2023 gold surpassed the euro and the next fiat currency to be challenged is...

Notwithstanding +23 points of fresh premium as COMEX Gold rolls from the June contract into that for August, there’s no mistaking price having formed a classic near-term double-top. 

As the criminal conviction of former President Donald Trump dominates the news cycle, investors have to be asking themselves whether the upcoming election will be anything like normal.

The last two weeks have been hard on the bulls, still at this week’s close, the Dow Jones closed in scoring position, or where its BEV value is somewhere between -0.01% and -4.99%.  So what?  Only that if someone is bullish on the stock market, at the close of this...

June 1, 2024

Our proprietary cycle indicator is now DOWN. Current data favors overall lower gold prices. We are now partially short.

Did the U.S. government really try to confiscate Americans' gold? The short answer is... well, there isn't a short answer. It's a complicated subject with more nuance than most people give it. Yes, President Franklin D. Roosevelt did try to take most of the gold out...

In a recent episode of the Money Metals Exchange podcast, host Mike Maharrey interviewed economist Dr. Peter St. Onge. The two discuss St. Onge’s early success and subsequent financial loss during the dot-com boom, the recurring nature of economic cycles, and the...

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry has signed a new law reaffirming gold and silver as legal tender, making a symbolic statement in favor of sound money principles.

The Reserve Bank of India recently brought a little over 100 tons of gold home. And more gold may be heading back to India in the near future. The Indian central bank repatriated the gold from vaults in the UK.

May 31, 2024

After getting off to a slow start in this upleg, gold miners’ stocks are beginning to catch up with their metal.  Gold stocks lagged dreadfully early on, but are increasingly outperforming in gold’s remarkable breakout surge of recent months.  These mounting gold-...

The markets are suddenly wild again! Oil is gyrating, the Dow is crashing, and silver looks like the Rock of Gibraltar! Here are today's videos and charts.

Gold swaps undertaken by the Bank for International Settlements appear to have risen slightly in March and April, according to the bank's monthly statements of account for those months, both published this week:

May 30, 2024

This episode of Money Metals' Midweek Memo, hosted by Mike Maharrey, delves into the impact of government actions on the economy, the role of the Federal Reserve in inflation, and the strategic importance of investing in gold and silver.

Last month, Zimbabwe officials introduced a gold-backed currency in an effort to stabilize the country’s economy. At the time, I warned that a gold-backed currency would be a great step, but that it wasn’t going to solve Zimbabwe’s problems unless the government...

There is a history of precious metals diverging from the stock market (cyclically) and it has occurred during stagflation and around the start of secular bear markets in stocks.

While China and the global central banks continue to accumulate gold, the US and the western countries have continued to accumulate more debt.

May 29, 2024

Back-and-forth movement. That’s what we’ve been expecting. And that’s exactly what we see in gold. Today, we see the “forth” part as the yellow metal erases its recent gains. Just as the daily upswings didn’t really matter, today’s decline is of little meaning, as...

President Biden recently raised taxes on American consumers and businesses and may have hastened the end of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. President Biden did this by increasing tariffs on Chinese imports.

While gold and silver prices have rallied over the past 3 months there's been a lot of coverage about how much gold China and the central banks have been buying.

As hopes for rate cuts fade, metals markets are giving back some of their recent gains. On Wednesday, minutes from the Federal Reserve’s latest policy meeting showed central bankers are frustrated by the lack of progress on inflation. After several months of...

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